Today WhatsApp is introducing a new way to organize events. It should thus be easier to plan get togethers directly in WhatsApp, without the need for separate apps, regardless of whether you’re setting up a virtual meeting or birthday dinner or whatever else.
Anyone can create an event that others can respond to in a group chat, so that the entire group knows who’s coming and who isn’t. Events will also be listed in each group’s information page, and those who are going will get a notification when the event is getting close.
Events are rolling out to groups that belong to a Community first, and will land in all groups “over the coming months”.
WhatsApp is also adding the ability for you to reply to announcements from admins in Communities. These replies will be grouped together and minimized, allowing you to see what others have said in context. Notifications for such replies are muted for everyone, so as to not turn into a huge annoyance.