Samsung is expected to launch the Galaxy S24 series in January, and today, the Ultra variant for the US market appeared on Geekbench. The SM-S928U device is listed with Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 (codename pineapple), which will have a 1+3+2+2 CPU configuration.
The prime core ticks at 3.30 GHz, which is less than the previous generation Snapdragon flagship, but the rest that is more impressive – the second cluster is three cores at 3.15 GHz, the third is two units at 2.96 GHz, and the remaining two cores are clocked at 2.27 GHz.
The phone tested had a relatively tame 8 GB RAM. It will also have Android 14, likely with One UI 6.1 on top.
The results of the benchmark revealed 2,234 to be the score for a single core and 6,807 for multiple units. The increase from the Galaxy S23 Ultra with Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 is massive – 15% and 35%, respectively.
The major takeaway from this Geekbench listing is not the raw result – it is the confirmation that Samsung is once again planning to diversify the chipsets. The Exynos 2400 platform will power some of the Galaxy S24 flagships, but it could be limited to the S24 and S24+ with the Ultra going fully with the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3.